Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The least of them

"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'" -Matthew 25:37-40

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." -Hebrews 13:2

The Arch and the Old Courthouse

St. Louis is a pretty awesome city! I woke up this morning at 9 am (possibly the earliest I have ever voluntarily woken up) and my first stop was the Gateway Arch. To get to the top, I had to ride a tram that was so small and cramped (it reminded me of the escape pod that C-3P0 and R2-D2 take at the beginning of Star Wars), but it was worth the inconvenience, as the top provided a great view of the city.

After the Arch, I got to be a kid again! The City Museum is a giant playground in an old shoe factory, made for both adults and kids. The first thing I did was ride a 10 story high slide (which you can experience below!)

Oh to be a kid again!

After the slide, things got problematic. I'm definitely not a kid anymore and my knees and lower back are proof of that. I couldn't survive more than an hour at the City Museum before I had to leave.

The majority of my day was spent on the Delmar Loop: a 6-block long area with lots of shops, restaurants, and other attractions (it is named one of the 10 best streets in America). Being so immersed in the eclectic area, I was really tempted to get something pierced. (don't worry mom, I didn't...) At one point, there were some Hindu men singing and dancing and trying give away meditation books. I entertained the proselytizer for about 5 minutes and tried to share the gospel with him. I did not succeed, as he was convinced Jesus spent time in India learning Hindu meditation principles that affected his ministry in Israel. Afterwards, I saw an indie documentary in a cool old theater then and ate at a Syrian restaurant for a late dinner.

Singing and dancing to Rama while decked out in traditional Hindu garments

(notice how Crocs are authorized footwear)

One thing of great note about St. Louis is that there are a great number of beggars. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the homeless, and I tend to give money to them whenever I cross paths with someone. I know that many people do not give to the homeless because of the assumption that they will spend it on drugs and alcohol. That may very well be the case, but I always give in faith that perhaps they will use it for food or shelter. I doubt that God is going to hold me accountable in the judgment for giving in faith if the guy spends money on drugs.

Since arriving in St. Louis last night, I have encountered a greater number of homeless and beggars than ever before. I gave to a few at first, but eventually had to close off my heart to them or else I would be giving away way too much money. It made me cringe inside that I had to say no to some. However, I did get the privilege to talk to two of them for a few minutes, and I got to share the gospel with both of them! I realized after a few minutes of conversation that the first man was clearly going to use the money to gamble (he told me that he had just lost $70 at a casino), but the second one was a different case.

The second man was clearly homeless and living in a shelter, all his possessions were in an old backpack and a black trashbag. I talked to him for a few moments and told him that the reason I was giving him money is because I believe in Jesus. I talked about how Jesus can be his savior too and as I said farewell, I hugged him and said "God bless!" His reaction was unforgettable! He turned to me with a huge grin and with excitement in his voice he said, "You BLESSED me! I can't believe you blessed me!" That man's reaction makes giving to the homeless completely worthwhile. Perhaps I will see him again in heaven!

That is all for tonight. Chicago tomorrow!



  1. That's awesome Patrick! I share the same sentiment, I give in faith for Jesus' sake. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. Hi Patrick Its Fran wow how I wish I could have done what your doing. Look for Obama when you are in Chicago. He will be there BBQing with friends instead of going to Arlington National Cemetary. The first President not to go on Memorial Day. Also wil you please send me an ELVIS postcard from Graceland if you go? 7619 River Point Hou 77063. Can't wait to read your bog tonight! Love ya

  3. Hey Patrick. It's your favorite hairdresser, Lorelei. When I lived in Illinois, I used to go to St. Louis all the time. My favorite place to go was the loop. I am so glad you got to see it. Fun city.

  4. I am so sad your trip is almost over but promise me one thing with ant spare time you have in your law path please do more writing or even theology You are sooooo amazing. I can't believe someone can be so gifted. Sorry you didnt care fo Graceland but I understand! Ha! Fran
