Monday, May 24, 2010

Enjoy the journey, don't just await the destination!

"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." -Colossians 3:2

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." -Matthew 7:13-14

Greetings from St. Louis!

Today's drive started off slow... It took about an hour and a half to get to Texas Motor Speedway. Note to others: Don't begin a roadtrip during rush hour!

So I was watching the finale of LOST last night, and I was thoroughly disappointed. The problem was, that I was so much awaiting the conclusion of where things were going, that I forgot to enjoy the journey that led to the conclusion. So for this road trip, I decided to enjoy the drive as a pivotal part of the experience. Therefore, I decided to make a stop in Oklahoma at a wildlife refuge: GW Exotic Animal Park. This park is the largest refuge of tigers in North America. The tour guide taught me a whole lot about tigers and lions, it was definitely a worthwhile stop! I even got to play with a baby tiger!

This little guy is only 3 weeks old, he doesn't have any teeth or a name yet
(but I'm gonna call him Tyson in honor of Darcy's Hangover song)

After seeing a lot of lions and tigers (...and yes... bears! OH MY!) up close. I headed to Norman, Oklahoma to have lunch with Dean. After that, it was more or less non-stop to St. Louis (except for stopping for dinner in Springfield) It has been a long day, and I finally checked into the hotel at 11 pm...

What this drive has taught me about my faith, just like how I should have watched LOST, is that it is not simply the destination that matters, but the journey is also important. We are called to set our minds on the things above, but does that mean that we ought to ignore things on earth? While we are here, as believers, we ought to do what we can to incarnate the love of Christ into the lives of everyone around us. Walk the narrow road! Look forward to entering through the narrow gate, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. Sometimes sin knocks you off the path temporarily, but we strive to get back on and continue walking. When you walk the narrow road, God will begin to do great things through you, not because He needs you, but because He delights to use you. Tonight, after nearly four years of trying and countless prayers, I was finally able to share the gospel with my longtime friend and former roommate Tom. If I was only concerned with the destination, I may have missed the stop along the journey!

God bless you all. I'm gonna go enjoy St. Louis and listen to some live music!

Today's Road Trip Mixes: Darcy #2, Charlie #1, Jennifer #1, Dean, Ashley #2, Julia's Adagio, and Amy #1


  1. Brad and Laura Leigh WhitnellMay 25, 2010 at 8:16 PM


    Glad to hear all is well on your journey thus far. LL and I had the chance to travel that route on our way back from Ft. Knox, KY right after we got married. If you passed an absolute nothing of a town called Rolla, MO, our paths have crossed before.

    Not sure if you're a wing man, but Maggie O'Brien's in St. Louis is probably the best chicken wings I've had in my life.

    When you're in Chicago we reccomend two must haves: 1) Portillo's Italian beef (order it hot, sweet, and juicy), and 2) Lou Malnatti' deep dish pizza (buttercrust, italian sausage, and fresh tomato). I hope the city treats you as well as it treated us.

    Keep trucking, get a refillable coffee mug at the nearest Flying J (it'll pay for itself in no time), keep spreading the Word to all that you come across, and keep writing.

    Safe travels,
    Brad and LL

  2. If I win the contest...can you go back and bring this little guy home to me...just until he gets big enough to eat me? I would love to cuddle and play with him for a few days!
