Thursday, May 27, 2010

Magnificent miles...

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers. -Psalm 1:1-3

Chicago skyline from atop the Ferris Wheel on Navy
I did a whole lot of walking today. Of course, I left my shoe bag in the car overnight and was too lazy to get it this morning, so I walked all day in my flip flops (this did actually prove helpful when I decided to run into a fountain in Millenium Park, as I could take my shoes off easily). My first planned stop for the day was the Art Institute of Chicago, but as I was walking there I realized that I had totally forgotten about Millenium Park on my list of things to do, but thankfully Millenium Park was on the way to the Art Institute. So of course, I got my "Bean" picture taken!

Cloud Gate in Millenium Park (aka the "Bean")

I like art... well, let me rephrase that. I like the stuff that I deem to be art. Modern "art" is not art. I spent about 30 minutes in the Modern Wing of the Art Institute, and I still couldn't figure out how some of it was exhibit worthy (granted: some of the stuff would look really cool in my living room, but it is not priceless treasure). One such "artwork" was a video of a guy dragging a Fender guitar along the ground in random roads and fields. I don't get it.

I spent a much longer time in the Renaissance section. I think I prefer Renaissance art because it comes from a time in which society at large actually liked Jesus (as evinced by the plethora of paintings of Jesus' birth and Jesus' crucifixion).

After the Art Institute, I walked for about an hour to get to the Navy Pier. Last year when I came to Chicago, the Navy Pier was almost empty, but this year it was packed. I had a nice ahi tuna sandwich for lunch (my first meat of the trip), did a funhouse maze, rode the Ferris Wheel, and played a round of mini golf.

I went to The Second City tonight to watch an improv/sketch comedy show. It was good stuff, a little vulgar (which I can handle) but a little too much Jesus joking (modern society doesn't like Jesus like the Renaissance people did).

This trip has been going really great so far. The solitude has allowed for a great deal of reflection, prayer (note: when praying while driving, be careful to avoid the natural tendency to close your eyes...), and spiritual growth, along with a great deal of fun. I am excited to see what else God has in store for this trip.

Goodnight! Cardinals/Cubs at Wrigley Field tomorrow!


  1. sounds like chicago is a hit..glad navy pier was packed, as it is more fun that way...glad second city was comment about karyn's ,so i guess u changed ur mind...will put cash in account this am for mag mile

  2. I was pressed for time before Second City, so I'm going to Karyn's in about an hour...

  3. First, I love the pictures! Second, I just want to say that Modern Art tends to be open for interpretation and I like that. I like that two people can see two totally different things in the same piece of art. Third, I tend to keep my eyes open when I pray anyway. ;) Last, I just want to tell you that you're inspiring me to take a trip as well. I've been reallly wanting to go to New Zealand. I need to get away and doing it Patrick style might be good for me.
