Saturday, May 29, 2010

The day of rest

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28

"Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them." -Psalm 139:16

God was able to go all out creating the universe for six straight days before He had to rest, but I am not God. I'm surprised I was able to make it five. Thankfully, today was my predetermined day of rest! Indianapolis is pretty lame anyways, so I'm not missing much.

This hotel is pretty gross. The hallway reeks of cigarette smoke and I was put in a smoking room. Of course, what else do you expect from a La Quinta Inn? (It was the only hotel available to book such short notice before the Indy 500 that wasn't over $300/night...) I may hit up a movie in about an hour, or I may stay in and rent one of those still in theater hotel movies. Tonight is going to be very low key, I'll probably be in bed by 12:30 (and since Indy is 1 hour ahead of Fort Worth and Chicago, that's actually 11:30, which is INSANELY early for me).

One thing that I have been dwelling on all day is the sovereignty of God which is a topic that I tend dwell on and pray about a lot. Whenever I begin most of my prayers, the sovereignty of God is usually one of the first things I adore God for. I am so immensely thankful that God is in control of my own life and not me, because otherwise I would find a way to eff things up. But since God is in control, even the seemingly crappy things that happen are simply a part of His plan that my tiny brain is unable to come close to understanding.

It is so relieving to think that every exact moment of my life up to this point and every moment left is already known by and overseen by God. Screwing up at UVA: that was God's plan. Dating Kim for 1 1/2 years longer than I should: that was God's plan too. Losing my job: God. Going back to school: God. Changing my path from Seminary to Law School: God. Getting accepted to only one Law School: God as well. When I rest in the sovereignty of God, all is well, because He loves me and He is in control. I have heard mentioned in church how people get angry at God sometimes, this is something that I don't believe I have ever experienced. Even in the worst situations, I don't get angry at God. I question Him, sure. But anger is not an emotion I have ever felt towards Him. I attribute that to my being able to trust in His sovereign love no matter what. I pray that I continue to do that in greater and greater measure in my future.

Indy 500 tomorrow! I could use some prayer from you guys about my sunburn! If it doesn't heal a bit by tomorrow morning, sitting out in the sun all day will be a pretty brutal endeavor!

Peace, love, and Jesus!


  1. too bad about la quinta..hope u got a good i write thia i am watching the 91st lap of the race..i'm so fascinated, knowing u r actually THERE!! i've learned so much about the race, because i have watched it all..and will watch until the finish...keep wondering where u r sitting????close to any crashes???? i predict carpenter or kanaan..

  2. God's sovereignty is amazing. Like your insight on it.
